Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hello again!

Hello, it's me again. And this time, I am going to rant about books.

I love books. Books are one of the greatest joys of my life.

Unfortunately, I love books so much that I can't take badly written books. This has gotten so bad that I will actually feel physically sick if I read awful literature. And I have gotten into the habit of automatically mentally critiquing books while I read them. Which can be very, very annoying, especially if I voice my opinions to other people - Twilight fans in particular.

(Yes, I didn't like the book. Deal with it.)

Anyway, right now, I am currently embarking on an epic quest - to find a good book. Any suggestions? :D

Probably not, since no one reads this blog. Yay! That means I can write whatever I want with absolutely no repercussions. Unless, of course, a Twilight fan happens to read it - but I won't listen, anyway. So there. >_<

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Greetings from my Bad Self

So.....I've had this blogging account thingamajig for about two years. And it was only a few minutes ago that I decided to use it.

So here I am.


I have no idea of what to say. Should I tell you about myself? Probably, since I am so very interesting.

I am a tall(ish) girl with long blonde hair, wide football-player shoulders, and a caveman jaw. If you see me, I will most likely be wearing my Trogdor sweatshirt, a thrift store T-shirt (with a logo), some old, ragged jeans, and a pair of duct taped hiking boots. If it's raining or snowing, I'll be wearing my big old ugly green swim parka with an X duct taped on the shoulder. If you see me outside of school, I'll be wearing a comfy knitted green hat that I got in Elko on the way to Utah. In school, I will most likely be lugging a large backpack with red roses and skulls all over it, as well as a green-and-purple striped sock monkey key chain (named 'Jenkins') attached to one of the zippers. There will also be a binder (covered in duct tape) tucked rather insecurely under my arm. It's easy to find me - just look for the girl who looks like an emo hobo.

Anyhoooo, forgive me if this is a rather awkward post. I'm not at all used to this. But I'm a-working on it.

I am what many people would classify as a 'geek', though in the usual capacity. I have never gotten straight A's in my life (except perhaps maybe in kindergarten). But I do love to read comics. And I love Star Trek and Star Wars. And I love reading manga and watching anime. Wait - that's not geekism. That just me-ism.

I am also a proud member of the Snoosh clan, which comprises of me and my three friends Ellie, Elizabeth and Claire. Don't even ask how it got started.

This is all I have to say. And now I must go and paint pictures of scarecrows on Photoshop. Tootle-pip!